Practical for Horticulture Course UG

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Semester I

Course CodeCourse NameView
ABB 158Elementary Statistics and Computer ApplicationPDF
HNR 131Fundamental of Soil SciencePDF
HSS 166Economics and MarketingPDF
ABB 159Elementary Plant BiochemistryPDF
ABB 160Introductory Crop PhysiologyPDF
HFS 101Fundamentals of HorticulturePDF
HFL 121Principles of Landscape ArchitecturePDF
HFS 102Principles of Genetics and CytogeneticsPDF
ABB 161Introductory MicrobiologyPDF
FBS 142Communication Skills and Personality DevelopmentPDF

Semester II

Course CodeCourse NameView
HFS 103Plant Propagation and Nursery ManagementPDF
HFS 104Tropical and Subtropical FruitsPDF
HFS 105Principles of Plant BreedingPDF
HVS 101Tropical and Subtropical Vegetables cropsPDF
HNR 132Soil Fertility and Nutrient ManagementPDF
HNR 133Environmental Studies and Disaster ManagementPDF
HNR 134Water Management in Horticultural Crops
ABB 162Growth and Development of Horticultural CropsPDF
HSS 169Information and Communication TechnologyPDF

Semester III

Course CodeCourse NameView
HPP 226Fundamentals of Plant PathologyPDF
HPP 228Fundamentals of EntomologyPDF
HVS 201Temperate Vegetable CropsPDF
HPP 229Nematode pests of horticultural crops and their ManagementPDF
HPP 227Diseases of fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic CropsPDF
HPH 216Fundamentals of Food TechnologyPDF
HFS 201Temperate Fruit CropsPDF
HFS 202Weed Management in Horticultural CropsPDF
HFL 221Commercial FloriculturePDF
ABB 255Elementary Plant BiotechnologyPDF

Semester IV

Course CodeCourse NameView
HNR 231Soil, Water and Plant AnalysisPDF
HVS 202Spices and CondimentsPDF
HFL 222Ornamental HorticulturePDF
HFS 203Plantation CropsPDF
HFS 204Breeding of Fruit and Plantation CropsPDF
HNR 232Farm Power and MachineryPDF
HPP 230Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic CropsPDF
HVS 203Precision Farming and Protected CultivationPDF
HFS 205Dry land HorticulturePDF

Semester V

Course CodeCourse NameView
HNR 331Organic FarmingPDF
HNR 334Introduction to Major Field CropsPDF
HFL 321Medicinal and Aromatic cropsPDF
HNR 333Introductory AgroforestryPDF
HVS 301Breeding of Vegetable, Tuber and Spice CropsPDF
HPP 326Diseases of Vegetables, Ornamentals and Spice CropsPDF
HFS 301Orchard and Estate ManagementPDF
HNR 332Agro-meteorology and Climate ChangePDF
HVS 302Potato and Tuber cropsPDF

Semester VI

Course CodeCourse NameView
HPP 327Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac culturePDF
HPP 328Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice CropsPDF
HPH 316Postharvest Management of Horticultural CropsPDF
HVS 303Seed production of Vegetable, Tuber and Spice CropsPDF
HFL 322Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental PlantsPDF
HPH 317Processing of Horticultural CropsPDF
HSS 368Entrepreneurship Development and Business ManagementPDF
HSS 367Fundamentals of Extension EducationPDF
Note : There is no pratical course in Semester VII and Semester VIII

Page last updated on November 13th, 2024 at 07:39 pm

Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University

NH-75, Near Pahuj Dam, Gwalior Road, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India


रानी लक्ष्मीबाई केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, झांसी
Established under Central Agricultural University Act 2014

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